Angry? Do You Mind If I Scream
As I hurled the rocking chair through the glass window, I heard someone say that I was out of control, but I knew that throwing that chair out the window was exactly what I wanted. I only became aware of my problem when my husband brought our minister to look at the hole. There I was, eyes bulging, broken glass everywhere, still not understanding why they were pointing at me. What about you? Have you ever been so angry that you felt like losing control? Have you ever been hurt by someone's anger, or have you ever hurt someone because of your anger? If the answer is yes, this article is written especially for you. Your anger is not the problem, but what you do with it may be. Anger is only bad if you hurt yourself or someone else because of it. Anger is a natural emotion people experience when they feel threatened or hurt. It is always a secondary emotion. This is a very important point to remember. Feeling threatened or hurt is the primary emotion you experience. Anger in the resul...